Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkin Pie Bites!

I'm no pro-baker but these turned out better than I thought, especially considering I forgot to get the cream cheese to room temp and it was late at night after a long day with bathroom painting, blah blah blah...
Chris was impressed and thinks we shouldn't share these with his coworkers. He'd like to keep them here and eat them himself. I promised to make a second batch very soon.

Fresh out of the oven!

Finishing touches, a.k.a. chocolate decor.

Chris being a good sport and trying them for me.

We had a casualty but learned that Pantaloup is not a fan of pumpkin pie.

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Unknown said...

you are so adorable. i want one.

Hello, I'm Emily Clare. said...

I will be sure to send some home w/ amanda!