Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Walls are Done.

We still haven't finished moving completely back in - the ceiling fan needs to be hung, we're using an ugly lamp, and there's nothing on the walls - but the painting is done and the bed is assembled and it looks oh so fresh and so clean!

You have to try a lot of greys before you find the perfect one:

Chris's favorite part was ripping through the plastic we put over the door while he was sanding the walls:

Finally back in (to a certain extent). It's hard to get good light in here for photographs and the grey changes from lighter to darker as the sun gets farther from the windows. It's really the perfect grey for this little room.
We're definitely going to add some curtains, a different lamp, and some other touches but for now it's nice and simple.

Don't mind Earnest flashing through the picture...


Holly Rene' said...

I love it!!

Christina Nina said...

Incredible work~ everything, the colors, bed frame, all of it. Well done you two~