Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to Remove a Rusted Pole that has been in Cement in the Ground Longer than You've Been Alive:

Step One: Find unsuspecting person with significantly more upper-body strength than myself.

Step Two: Have said person dig a large hole around the cement area.

Step Three: Have them weeble-wobble the post back and forth while you pray that they don't fall and knock their teeth out:

Step Four: Stand back and watch while Upper-Body-Strength Man becomes Engineer-Man and tries to configure some super-fancy way to get 200lb+ cement post thing out of the hole and into some other designated spot out of the way.
Hhmmm, maybe if I put these 2x4 boards like so...

And then put the wagon thing like so...

Hhmm, this really isn't working...

Step Five: Casually mention the dolly we have in the garage... and chuckle silently with satisfaction when that works way better than fancy engineerish way...

And it's out!

Now we can plant the pear tree in the hole! More pics and posts to come...

1 comment:

Chris R. said...

eh hem... engineer way still put up the 2x4s, a very vital step!!!

BTW there are more pictures of me under house and yard than there are under yard!!!!