Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Countdown

It's not too long until I turn 30 (!!!) and I've been receiving some fun little cards in the mail! My mom is so awesome - she's sent me little notes with pictures from when I was a baby.
Here I am with mom, dad, and my older sister at about 7-8 months old. Don't you just love my sticky-uppy hair??

The hair pretty much poked up all over the place for a few years.

But by age two, it had grown out a bit and was relatively flat. And thus it remains...

This is one of my favorites pictures so far - me and my Grandma Pat. She passed away far too early when I was a senior in high school and if I grow up to be even a smidge as classy as she was, I'd be lucky.
I also wouldn't mind if my hair turned that gorgeous silver color someday!

I have a feeling I'll be receiving a few more cards in the weeks to come!

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