Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes I'm a little bit crazy...

Like when I volunteer to do Grad Nite. Again. I always get sucked into it by friends and I have a great time but the next day, I'm worthless. All I can do is take small series of naps with random eatings in between until I go to bed for real around 8pm and then finally wake up feeling like a "normal" person on Saturday morning.
This year was particularly fantastic because one of my best friends was also a chaperone and she was in a wheelchair due to recent ankle surgery. I know, poor her, what a bummer to be injured but SCORE! to the handicap line. She was also given an extra-wide wheelchair by Disneyland so we were able to double up on the capacity when we got tired.
I didn't take any solid pictures and I'm not sure how my friends feel about having their pics posted to this here blog yet... but I'll be sure to take more next time!
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my next nap.

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